Christmas has come and gone, but it was one of the best holidays that we have ever had (except last year of course when we got engaged)! We were able to celebrate this wonderful holiday with lots of family for 3 straight days! First up was Christmas Eve at my Grandma's house in La Habra, then Christmas morning at Vic and Deanna's, Christmas afternoon at my Papa's house in Lomita, and the day after Christmas with the Alfonsi clan at Vic and Deanna's house again. Although it was busy and tiring, we wouldn't change it for the world! Family means so much to both of us and we cannot imagine spending the holidays with anyone else. Luckily our schedule works out to where we are able to visit both sides of the family without any conflicts. These hard economic times has really helped us to put into perspective what is truly important in life and we have concluded that family time with immediate and extended family is the most valuable gift that we can receive during the holidays. When times are tough, they are there for you as inspiration and support. Thank you everyone for making 2009 so special and memorable to us! 2010 ... get ready cause here we come!!!
The Peske Family

Deanna and Jason...and Niko

Lillian handed out all the presents that she brought cute!

The Igarta cousins. We have taken this same picture every year for as long as I can remember.

CHEESE! Check out her shoes!

Love you Grandma!

Me and my Emma Joy!